Sunday, February 6, 2011

So its been awhile.....

As many of you may know I went on a little trip and since I don't have a smart phone or didn't bring my laptop I was unable to blog :0( I am still trying to get life back to "our" normal ...gosh I didn't think 5 days would throw be off sooo much!

I went to Bakersfield, CA to visit the newest member of our family Mister Booth Seigel, my sister's lil' baby boy!

Here is a little photo breakdown of my trip...

I have become obsessed with Sbucks....

See makes me smile :0)

The "THUNDERbird" My mom & I drove...PS make sure the person who you are on the road trip with wants to go on a road trip!!!

Hadley's first lip gloss experience...YES YES YES I did!

I know I look lovely it was a LONG day but the end was worth it cause I got to hold this precious little guy!

Booth Seigel, I love you!

Big Brother Brody was so much FUN...he ran up and gave me a big happy hug!

My Buds

Jump in Haddie & take a ride with the Brodster!

Hold on!

Auntie was trying to do her bible study...

BEST CHOCOLATE CAKE EVER! Seriously at Sweet Surrender's in Bakersfield, CA and was featured on FOOD network it is called the Matterhorn

Oh yeah this good!

Brody & Hadley

Hugglin' Nana


Something about a little girl & babies..she just wanted to with him always...

Traditional Bath Time with Cousins!

Overall had a wonderful time with my mom & my sister's family :0) I miss them soooo much and was so happy to get to go and see them.

Now back home and have been going ever life has just been a movin' 

Hope you all had a wonderful end of January...Beginning of February!

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