Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Piece of Pie : Becoming a Pie Maker Part One

I have to admit I have always loved pies...but lately I have been inspired to learn the art of WONDERFUL pie making! It is a talent & skill that I would like to have...who wouldn't! 
With Spring & Summer right around the corner which means fresh fruit OH MY ...so exciting....I plan to make a lot of pies. 
I made a pie the other night and I just love having it in my kitchen. It makes me feel soo 1930's or something? I love to have me slice every now & then...I am not going to lie! Not to good for the waistline but you know what... there is more to life then a diet :0)

This little lady is a Lemon Meringue 
It came out nicely but I didn't let it cool like I should of so I will have to try it again with this new tip!
Also I am going to experiment of different crusts...butter/cisco which one's better??? 
I can't wait until I can say with confidence I am PIE MAKER :0)
Good Night Pie ;0) Good Night Friends!

Stay Tuned for more Pie Making FUN........

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