Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Love Local Products!

Yesterday, my mom & me went to a local craft fair! I love craft fairs except I never find gifts only things I want myself..So funny! There was a ton of wonderful crafters there...soap, jewelry, Christmas decor, baby items & food. Here are my 2 favorite stands that I saw!

We came across this BBQ sauce set soon as I tried a sample...I WAS IN LOVE <3
 It is Trilby's BBQ Sauce!!!!
Here is their website :

Located right in my town, I love to buy local products because it is the best way to support your community. I grabbed me a bottle of the Mild Marionberry Trilby's Sauce. I ate it today with some corn chips and also had some with my breakfast...yes indeed this sweet, tangy sauce will make you craze it! I recommend picking up a bottle at the grocery store, it is at Haggens (AWESOME!). I tried all the sauces and each one is terrific! 

Now for my next favorite pick...

These Adorable Baby Gifts are just precious & oh so creative genius!!!

The store is called,  COZY WOZY
Located in Sudden Valley...just down the road :0)
The picture above is of her adorable Baby Lollipops which is bib, bright colored wash cloth & an infant spoon...How stinkin' cute is that!!!! Just priced at $5.00 what a wonderful gift! She had some many cute baby things there, you just have to go check out her online store! 

As I find local wonders I will continue to post about them because buying local is important!!!


  1. LOVE Trilbys!!we use it ALOT in the summer ;) love local stuff too, lots of great stuff in our area ;)

  2. It was fun....could have stayed there all day :)
