Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chicken Soup for the Soul & a Cold

I have been feeling a little under the weather &  hungry so I decided to make some soup. I love making soup and this spring/fall it has become a passion. I love getting the whole chickens at Haggen's, snacking on them then making yummy soup out of them! Here is the soup I made today:

Chicken Potato Soup
Picked at Rotisserie Chicken
Bay leaf
Olive Oil

Place rotisserie chicken in a large pot cover with water, bring to a boil
Let boil for 10-20mins
Add Salt to taste, Pepper to taste, Bay Leaf (1-2), Cayenne to taste, Parsley & Olive Oil 1 1/2 tbsp.
Simmer on Low for about 20 min.
Sweat 1/4 Onion  & 3-4 Celery stalks together in fryer pan
Cut up Carrots (handful of baby carrots) & Cabbage about a cup shredded
Peel & Cut up 4 med. Potatoes

Drain & separate chicken & broth
Pour Broth is pot
Pick off remaining chicken & add to broth
Add all the veggies
Cook for 20 min. then Enjoy!

On another note we were shut in today soo...

The view from my kitchen...
 Another try at homemade cinnamon rolls....they were so/so...not the golden recipe :0(
The boys were stir crazy all is one of there good playing moments!

Hadley loves animals
Claps for the Horsies!

Ahhh, the day is ending but that's okay cause I am tired, sick and ready for bed. Hoping that I feel better tomorrow!!

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