Thursday, November 25, 2010

Because A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart....

Happy Thanksgiving  Everyone!!!
I am up and ready to cook me some turkey!!!

I have been watching food network all week which isn't unusual but I saw this and thought I would try it this year for Thanksgiving! Hopefully it will be delicious :0)

 Turkey is just the side note to what this day really means to me. To me its about being with loved ones and telling people that I appreciate them and also it always makes me reflect on my life! This year has been a great year and I am so blessed with such wonderful family & friends! God has been so very good and I am most Thankful for his awesomeness!  So take the time to count your blessings today including all the wonderful people in your life...embrace the unexpected & enjoy this special day God gave us!

From our Family to Yours, Happy Thanksgiving & God Bless!

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