Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sunshine & God

Well, yesterday me, the kids, my mom & grandma packed up, crammed in the truck and escape the fall like weather of Whatcom county.

The drove over was beautiful & it was so great to catch up with both my mom & grandma. 
This morning we woke to sun & no plans....ahhhh 

The last couple days I have been talking to God...honestly frustrated but like a switch of a light bulb, I feel at peace again only something that I know can only come from God.

God designed me perfectly with faults & all..
Sometimes I do not understand why he made me this way but just as doubt starts to fade into my life someone helps me realize my strengths and that what I may see as problems are really blessings (funny how that works).

I have always said...I am a work in progess...but more so I am God's work in progress!
God is growing me..
It is not me or the world .....

And I am very thankful for my family, friends and random people who remind me of my blessings & encourage me again & again!

God & Sunshine is where I need to be right now and I am thankful for this time away!

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