Friday, July 15, 2011

a borrowed oven!

Because my oven is still NOT working ugh! and my new one doesn't come in until Monday... I had to go & borrow my neighbors oven to make these little goodies that I came up with :0)

Peanut Butter & Jelly

I love & use this recipe for my dough & normal cinnamon rolls - Clone of a Cinnabon

The Changes...
instead of the filling being cinnaboni...I cover the dough in butter then Raspberry Preserve
Rolled it up 
cut it up
Baked them
now for the best part the icing..
My recipe 
2 scoops of cream cheese
2 scoops of peanut butter
3/4 c. powder sugar
splash of vanilla
(I did have to add a splash of milk)
Can you say YUM-O
then put it all together and...

Its a little different but its heaven!!!
Don't forget your glass of milk ;0)


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