Monday, July 11, 2011

Expecting the rain....

I have been out of touch with reality & communication for more then 24hrs. and I have to tell you it was great! 
It has been something that I really wanted to work on....not being so wrapped up in life...the internet....other people's lives... I guess it just needed the right timing & God has given me that.
My family packed up & went camping for 5 days where you can't get cell service truthfully we had internet but I did not go on facebook once!

On the 2nd day there were some clouds in the sky...
I spent most of the day looking at cloud saying we are going to get some rain & thunder maybe...
needless to say I didn't change into my swimsuit or go into the water...
We kind of prepared for rain.
Then as I was sitting there is deep peaceful thought I realized if you expect rain.....then you could spend the whole day waiting for it..
Needless to say the clouds passed us by without a drop from the sky or thunder..just went totally around us!
It was there that I remember even as much as I try to not control life...I still expect bad things sometimes or try & prepare for the worst.
I love God's little reminders to me...

 no matter what life brings us...
whether clouds, rain or thunder
If you choose to wait for something bad to happen
you could miss out of the sunshine that is actually happening right now!
Life can get busy...
Life can be stressful
Life can be in a season of rain
Life feel like what else...God really what else...
But Life is more about choices, then we think it is..
the choice to say even through Clouds...
I can see SUN...
Even through the Rain...
I can see the RAINBOW...
The choice to say..
The only thing I should expect in life is that no matter what... God will give me exactly what I need when I need it.....umbrella and all :0)

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