Monday, May 2, 2011

Copy & Paste....

 Hello Everyone!

I found this looking for ideas for MOPPETS and I thought it was a great way to include the bible when talking about Mother's Day with your kiddos. 

SHORT SUMMARIES OF BIBLICAL MOMS (with Scripture references):

Eve: Eve was the first wife and mom.  She shared a special relationship with God until she sinned.  We have been born with a “sin nature” because of Eve.  Read Genesis 3:1-6 and Genesis 3: 20.

Hannah: Hannah was the mom of Samuel, a judge of Israel.  She was unable to have children for many years, but called out to God and God heard her prayer.  She promised to give Samuel to God for his whole life and she did.  Read 1 Samuel 1:10-11 and 1 Samuel 1:27-28.

Mary: Mary was the mother of Jesus.  She was chosen by God to have Jesus because God saw something special in her.  She was an ordinary girl, but she obeyed God in extraordinary circumstances.  She knew the Word of God well.  Read Luke 1:35-38.

Jochebed: Jochebed was the mother of Moses.  When she gave birth to Moses, there was an order to kill all of the Hebrew baby boys.  In faith, she didn’t kill her son, but hid him for three months.  Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses in the river.  Years later, he became the hero who led the Israelites out of Egypt into freedom.  Read Exodus 2:1-4.

Sarah: Sarah became Isaac’s mom when she was over 100.  She was Abraham’s wife, who laughed at the promise that she would have a child.  Before Isaac was born, she got impatient to have a baby and tried to take matters into her own hands.  She caused a lot of problems by doing that.  Read Genesis 21:1-3 and Genesis 21:6-7.

Elizabeth: Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus.   The angel Gabriel told her husband Zechariah that she would have a baby at a very old age.  He didn’t believe this at first, but it was true.  Elizabeth was a woman who followed God.  Read Luke 1:39-45.

Rebekah: Rebekah was Isaac’s wife and Esau and Jacob’s mom.  She was a beautiful woman who was first noticed because she served others unselfishly.  She was a hard worker.  Rebekah followed God, but did make Jacob her favorite son.  Because of that, she convinced him to steal his brother’s blessing.  This caused a lot of problems.  Read Genesis 24:45-46 and Genesis 27:5-11

Naomi: Naomi was the mother in law of Ruth.  Naomi had two sons, but they both passed away and left her very sad and bitter.  Because Ruth wanted Naomi’s God to be her God, she travelled to Naomi’s homeland to live.  It was there that Naomi helped Ruth find her husband, Boaz.  Read Ruth 1:3 and Ruth 1:15-18.

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