Sunday, April 24, 2011

A New Easter Tradition!

I was reading the boys bible devotional last week and I an idea came to mind. 
I wanted to start a new tradition with Easter! 
Last year I did not do Easter baskets, we just went to Easter Egg hunts & went over the resurrection eggs.
I know that some churches did sunrise services so the idea of going to watch the sunrise came to mind.

So, this Easter alarm failed :0( but luckily my dad's & mom's did not! 
In a rush I bundled up Hadley in a blanket...
Quickly woke up the with no shoes and me...well I basically had just rolled out of bed!
With only 20 min. to get to Semiahmoo!

I was praying that the sun would wait until we got there...
and sure enough it did!

We sat on the beach and talked about Jesus...that he had died & rose again. 
As the sun peaked up...
All I could think was Jesus gave us this day...he gave us life, hope, love, forgiveness & eternity.
My heart was full of thankfulness for my God!

...Here are some pictures of our adventure..
In the car on the catch the sunrise!

We made it!

Here is comes...

Snuggles on a park bench

He has Risen!!

Happy Easter Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Holly! What a great tradition, looks like you lucked out on a beautiful day too, happy Easter!
