Monday, February 28, 2011

Today, I went to the bible book store to get something and came across this book. I had looked at it before and wanted to but it was a little spendy for me. So, when it was on the 50% off table today I grabbed it. 
This book is so cute and a great read for the kiddos :0)

It gives a chain of events/people that ultimately changed the world but how it started with one boy(s). The moral of doing the right thing and how your choices effect other people!

This page was one of my favorites talking about the butterfly effect..
by: Andy Andrews 

and at the end of the book it says:

When you think about it like that....WOW!
That means YOU can be the kid who changes the world!

It is also a wonderful reminder to parents or people in general how important it is to care about other people and make good decision not only for ourselves but to change the world :0)


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