Thursday, February 24, 2011


I have this really cool new journal that has just been amazing in my life. The one thing that I have been challenged to do is forgive someone daily. It asks who you need to forgive...who you need to ask for forgiveness & how can God forgive you? 

Becky Tirabassi , the author of the journal says this:
"I believe, in order to bring the emotional area of your life into balance, you must forgive others and yourself on a daily basis. If you are HONEST about your own imperfections, you will become less judgmental and critical of others. As you extend forgiveness, you will react and respond to others with humility and kindness, rather than with selfishness or anger. "

I been working on my walk with Lord and guidance in relationships. I have many wonderful people in my life and I feel very blessed but I have some relationships that I have let effect me negatively. Without getting into details this is one area in my life I feel like I never truly matured in. So, now I am taking a step into having healthy relationships which means forgiving, letting go and having the self confidences to stand up for myself and choose who I allow to effect me. 

Needless to say I had an amazing GOD moment today!
I had to get out of the house..
my head was spinning and I needed ALONE time with God & my thoughts
I headed to Woods Coffee with my Bible, devotional & book that my small group is reading.
I ordered my tea....went up stairs, sat down and prayed.
First I journaled 
I came to last section and it is listen to God...
So that is where I start my devotionals..
One was about Gods love is enough to fill the hole in your  life
then next was all about forgiveness & grace 
Both these correlated right with what I had journaled about.
Then I start in on my book
The book is: Becoming the Woman of His Dreams By: Sharon Jaynes 
I am reading this book with my bible study 
It is a great book and since I am a little behind I was trying to get caught up.
I was a couple chapters in when this story came in...

Letting Go for Good
Here is a visual exercise in forgiveness adapted from Anabel Gillham's book, The Confident Woman. Take a helium-filled balloon to an open field. With a felt-tip pen, write a word or few words that denote what you are forgiving the person of_______________!
Then Pray..
Dear Lord, today I am forgiving _____________for_____________. No longer will I hold this over ____head. Never again will I bring this up. You tell us to cast all our cares on you , and today I am giving you this burden I have been carrying around for quite some time. As I watch this balloon disappear, please remove any resentment or bitterness form my heart. In Jesus' name amen.
Release the Balloon and watch it drift into the very presence of God. And it goes to say...
Every time the thought of that offense returns to your mind, remember that you have given that to God. 

Now...that moved me..what was God trying to say...
So I packed up my stuff to leave
I head over to the dollar tree
I picked up 3 balloons for 3 people that I really needed to forgive and hurts that I really need to let go...
No joke as I am in the car driving with these balloons 
this song comes on...

God is with me...
 I just know it...
I was a little nervous because I just didn't want to let them go anywhere sooo I kept driving...
as I am driving I am processing all the hurt, time and energy I have spent of these 3 balloons
 My heart was ready to be done with these issues...
I am ready to fully experience the release of forgivness..

I finally come to spot
an vacant lot..
I grab the balloons
battle the wind
and then I let go....

I watch these balloons fly.... almost dance away....

not me..but symbolic

It was a God moment...

Now..I don't think every time forgiveness is needed.. you/I need to go get some balloons and let them off. But in this moment it was just what I needed to do...

Forgiveness is not process 
It is a discipline
sometimes it is easy 
other it is an act of God 
but forgiveness is needed.

May God guide you in your journey today and may forgiveness be a path to healing for you as well...

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