Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Learning how to be disciplined....part OnE

I am working on being the healthiest person I can be, in all aspect of my life...mind, body, soul & relationships. 

What I am working on:

Being Disciplined

I was reading some information on this and found this quote:
“the undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites and passions” - Stephen R. Covey (Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
I think to myself....I would say that I am very much all of these things! I am mood oriented in most everything I do cleaning, going out, getting ready need I say more...I love food & cooking and I am VERY passionate about all the things in my life, relationships..opinions...etc.! I have to say I am my own worst enemy when it comes to being disciplined. 
What is my goal...Why be more disciplined?
Because I want to become the person I know I can be....

and because of this quote-
“The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret”
I have always viewed being disciplined as a negative thing because I felt like it took away freedom or choice but what I didn't see is that being disciplined is really what you want...sticking to your goals and creating/becoming who you want to be.

One of my biggest obstacles is self-doubt or giving up on myself because I fall once...working on discipline means first being aware of your lack of discipline when is come to things.
Then the choice to work on it every chance you can...
Pretty won't be as least that is what I am told and gosh I hope so!

I am not just talking about diet stuff/ appearances, it is more then that for me. Its about being organized and able to manage all the different aspect of my life in balance. Doing what I say I am going to do and making the steps to achieve my goals because goals aren't just words on a paper...each one is something that I truly want to achieve and can but it takes discipline!
Look for part TwO in a couple months :0)

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