Tuesday, December 7, 2010

4 things....

Four shows I watch: These are my favorites...
  1. Friends (still regularly on DVD) 
  2. Modern Family
  3. Parenthood
  4. Diners, Drive-In's & Dive's basically anything Food Network 

Four things I am passionate about:
  1. Enjoying Life : Being Positive and not taking things for granted
  2. My Family...Justin & the Kids...learning from each other & having fun together! 
  3. LOVE...I love to love...and I love to show people love because I believe in it that much!
  4. My God...My Strength
Four phrases I use a lot:
  1. seriously....
  2. Why aren't you listening to me...I am your mother...you are suppose to listen to your mother...Do you listen to your teacher...they reply, yes...I say...Well...then you should listen to me!
  3. I am loosing my mind!
  4. Spand-tastic! (spandex's & fantastic!)
Four things I have learned from the past:
  1. Choices are yours if you make bad ones...learn from them...then let them be and move on...
  2. You can't change anyone but yourself
  3. You can't truly 100% know someone 
  4. Credit is money you DON'T HAVE to buy things you DON'T NEED...so you can just have things or do things for instant gratification reality is that you WILL pay it back with interest and it isn't worth it EVER...Live within your means..be content :0)
Four things I did yesterday:
  1. Cleaned my bedroom & moved it all around
  2. Went Grocery Shopping
  3. Snuggled with Haddie
  4. Clipped Coupons

Four places I want to visit:
  1. Paris
  2. New York
  3. The Holy Lands
  4. Australia
Four things I am looking forward to:
  1. A Vacation....SOME day!
  2. Booth Seigels Arrival
  3. Hadley's 1st Birthday
  4. Axel Erickson's Arrival

 This is one of those silly survey thingys that is a blogger filler ;0) that I snagged from the wonderful blog: http://www.chadandrach.blogspot.com/ 
I love love this blog!!!!

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