Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My First Visit to a Naturopathic

I was frustrated and uneasy about my medical care.....I mentioned it at small group and one of the gals suggested a Naturopathic Doctor... an answer to my prayers? I decided to call & make an appointment. I needed help and I needed help NOW! Today was my first appointment and I have to tell you so far I am impressed. Why, you might was a whole different experience. We talked a lot, she was warm friendly and frankly I felt like she cared about my health. Why this sudden change you might ask, I got a wake up call about 2 weeks ago. I had been struggling with headaches, swelling. sinus issues and sleep problems. Well, when I checked my blood pressure it was 155/98...yeah scary...I made an appointment the next day for a couple days later. When I went in it felt rushed...I don't know really how to describe it but leaving I just decided I was done with that Doctors office. I needed to find another way, I needed help and I didn't just WANT another prescription (does that make sense?) So today was my first appointment and after that I realized that it is a life change but a good a grrreat one! We talked about my medical issues and I explained what I to NOT be on blood pressure meds and to have more energy, get more sleep..etc. etc. I left there with 4 bottles of vitamins/supplements and a 3 week allergy elimination diet....I got some work to do :0) So I thought that it would be fun to blog about this journey/change. Share my thoughts on this Naturopatic approach and maybe give others tips. I am a busy mama so changing my life ways is going to be a process but I really want this...I want to feel better and I really want to do a more natural approach to my health care! Join me on the journey! Day 1 starts I go.........


  1. Holly- I love what you're doing and can't wait to read more. So many ailments can be cured with food. Go girl!


  2. You go girl....I am proud of you.
    Love MOM

  3. I am excited for you, and hope you find some answers.

  4. Nice blog holly, I went to a natural pathetic person (I know thats worded wrong) and it tripped me out because he made me hold bottles of vitamins on' front of me so he could read the color of my energy and see if that's what vitamin matched.....I didn't go back, but I know it would work if someone had the right vitamins and minerals. They're way better then scripts. He didn't talk to me or anything, it sounds MUCH different then your experience. Can't wait to hear how it goes! Btw I tried accupunture and that was GREAT!!
