Monday, June 27, 2011


As little girls...we dream
As big girls...we still have those dreams

One of my dreams, is living somewhere in the middle of no where on a farm/plantation.
With my family..
Life is carefree and simple
No timecards
No worries
Just us

A really small town with good... no great people, who care about each other...I know sounds like a scene from a romantic comedy western but a girl can dream! 
When I listen to some country songs it tugs at my heartstrings for I want that easy free spirit song kind of life! Sippin' on sweet tea and rocking on my front porch. 
In my dreams I would be able to do all things I really want to do like...
sew a dress
have goats
make cookies..pies everyday
have quilts on the beds
My kids would have chores that requires milking cows or feeding chickens
We would all know how to be self-sufficient because that would be life
Town would be too far to go everyday and we would be too busy at home
We would have people over for dinner not out to a restaurant
Friends would stop by to say HI...not just check in on facebook
church would be small & personal
and I would have to ride a horse to get the mail..
A book would be entertainment
We would just sit on our porch and talk
I know lots of this stuff I can do right now & some we do...but I guess in my dreams it somewhere a lot less complicated then here hmmm??
Ahhhh......a girl can dream....

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