Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Rain...

Today was the first day of Spring Break...
It rained all day from the time we woke up...til' now!
I wanted to take some photo's of the kiddos because it has been awhile.
So, I put their raincoats on and rolled up their jeans!!
Yep, their feet are bare....we really weren't out there for that long :0)

Ahhh...these pictures make me realize a couple things.
Jaxson is getting so grown up!
I always can capture Logi's personality in photo's, like the above.
Hadley is all girl...including can go from Happy to Pissed in 30 seconds (she is also 1 so...)
That my kiddos are pretty Amazing & Happy...oh and LOVED! 

Happy Spring Rain, to you all too!

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