Wednesday, April 20, 2011

21 days to make a new habit....

Okay...I am going to admit a horrible truth about myself, are you ready????

Sometimes I go a whole day maybe even 2 without drinking any water!!!!

There I said it...I know it is horrible!

Last night I was changing for bed as I turned I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
Oh mirror mirror on the wall...

I just don't feel the way I look!!!
I have had 3 babies 
and the body staring back at me shows it! 

So what did I do...
First I started beating myself up about it...then a moment of grace came! 
I have always had a problem with people who obsess about their weight & image. Maybe because I have always saw what it did to them...the need of approval of appearance just isn't me. I have let that fog some realities though because you do have to take care of yourself & the body God has given you. It is okay to want to be a certain size/weight  for yourself..I just think we you start doing it for the wrong reason then it become unhealthy for mind & body.

I decided that I was going to take the next 21 days and make new better healthy habits :0)

FIRST....DRINK WATER DAILY.....until I get it down, I will only drink water nothing else. 
CUT and DRY (yep...not even tea or coffee)
SECOND....DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY....if I can make it the gym GREAT, if not a walk or bike ride is just fine! 
THIRD.....BEDTIME 9:30PM lights out!

and that's it....Only 3 things, keeping it simply & real for this busy mama! 

Also, the batteries in my scale went out like 2 weeks ago and I have decided not to get anymore! I don't want the scale telling if what I am doing is working for me...if that makes sense???

Okay...21 days....out with the old  & in with the NEW!!

What habit would you like to adopt in the next 21 days???


1 comment:

  1. I'm super bad with water but I'm even worse with a diligent bedtime! I'm usually not in bed until midnight - which is terrrrrible!
