Saturday, February 19, 2011

Totally what I needed...

I had one of those weeks that was jammed packed with stuff so..When Thursday rolled around and my mom asked me if I was going to the Womens Conference I was like "ugh"! I didn't have a babysitter for this 2 day event & I had 2 parties during the time of the conference. So I just kind of shrugged it off?? On Friday morning NO JOKE, I was in the car listening to Praise 106.5 all of sudden an ad came on for the conference and the speaker was on....I got that feeling like, I really want to go..I think it would be good for me. So I got creative & figured out childcare!! Rearranged my schedule and made it happened.....

I arrived at the conference after the spastic organizing that I had to do to get myself there. It was the first time leaving my daughter with a babysitter other then family & not to mention right before leaving the house I realized we were out of milk and pretty much anything to drink.... OH yeah!! To say the least I was sitting in the chair stressed and wondering if this was going to be worth it??? My husband wasn't too happy with all the disorganization & the NOTHING to drink NEED I SAY MORE :0(  I sat there during worship contemplating leaving go get milk & just home but then a women, Jill Ludlow came up and gave her Testimony...
5 min. into her story, I was crying & I knew I was right where I needed to be! At the end of her testimony her husband & her sang a song....and I sobbed ( I actually was scared I was going to start whaling...) Something inside just let go..
When she was done giving her testimony the speaker of the conference came up Becki Tirabassi. She also gave her testimony...and talked about Prayer. Her testimony was so real & relate-able to me...She started talking about discovering prayer and all of sudden things clicked! I am not a new christian or anything like that but all of sudden I realized I never really thought to much about prayer. My prayer life was a conversation, sporadic and never to in depth like she was talking about. 
One thing that really stuck to me was the saying...
neglect prayer....neglect God
NOW if you think of it that way...doesn't it make you think a little bit harder about your prayer life????
I left that night with a feeling of bliss....release


I was excited to go in morning oh my heart was ready...
Becky Tirabassi was amazing..
She talked about everything in life that I struggle with & tied it all into prayer...
Why couldn't I think of that???
Why hadn't I been praying like this?? Why???

I don't know why but I do know that this weekend was what I needed..
I needed it because I want to leave a legacy...I want to be a Godly example ....and more then ever I want the peace of God & his love to be the solid foundation in my life, relationships....everything!

I have committed to pray for 5min. for the next 60 days!
My mom bought me Becky's prayer journal so I will be learning how to pray differently and more in-depth as Becky would say to pray the WRITE way :0)

I just wanted to share a little of this experience with you all. Sometimes getting there is a battle in itself but when God's involved you will never be let down...He has purpose...a plan...a direction...

Want to check her out...Here is Becky's Blog:

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! It is so important to be spiritually fed. Isn't it amazing how prayer is so simple yet it is the answer to the most complicated problems? I love her point, neglect prayer, neglect God. Thanks for the insight!
