Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Capture the moments...

When I was a little girl people use to see us at church or in the grocery store and tell my mom....They grow so fast, look how big they have gotten..I use to shrug it off cause I felt like time went slow and I wasn't that big??? But now as a parent I realize time goes by so fast & your kids grow up right before your eyes!!! I wish I could slow down the process because I already see teenage years coming WAY TOO FAST...That is why even though life is crazy..busy..stressful..messy and bratty you really have to treasure this precious time with your children. Love them, play with them, believe in them, inspire them and try to capture as many moments as you can...

 Brrrr....its cold!
 Go get your coat Jaxson...silly goose!!
 Writing in the snow..
 Love this little guy!
 He wanted to write something in the snow..
He wrote that, he loves me :0) Ahhh...made my month!

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